Making An Appointment: Our receptionist will inquire as to your specific orthotic or prosthetic needs. We may ask if you have a prescription and about your insurance. We will also attempt to schedule an appointment time that is most convenient to you. 

Upon Arrival: You will be asked to fill out some necessary forms while we make a copy of your insurance card and photo ID. Please make sure to have a CURRENT copy of your insurance information with you. Please note: worker’s compensation and auto accident insurance most often require an authorization be received prior to services. Arriving a few minutes before your scheduled appointment is recommended. This will allow you to fill out any necessary paperwork. However, for your convenience patient information sheets are available for printing on this site.

Appointment time: You will be shown to a patient room specific to your needs. Please note that due to the unique nature of our work it is often difficult to predict the exact length of time needed to see a patient. While we try to stay on schedule as much as possible, we do sometimes fall behind. We ask for your understanding and consideration in this matter. Please be assured that when it is your turn to be served you will be given the same high level of care and attention. 

Initial evaluation: During your first visit to our office one of our practitioners will conduct an evaluation of your condition and the orthotic or prosthetic device you need. The practitioner will ask you questions about the nature of the condition that leads you to need an orthotic or prosthetic device. The more information you can provide the more effective they will be in creating a device appropriate to your needs. We will endeavor to assure that the practitioner who sees you initially will continue to see you for the duration of your visits. However, due to scheduling difficulties at times you may need to see another of our highly qualified practitioners. 

Casting: After the practitioner has completed the initial evaluation, he or she may cast or measure you for the device that you need. The practitioner will cast you by taking a plaster impression of your limb or residual limb using plaster of paris and/ or plaster bandages. Once the plaster has dried sufficiently it will be gently removed. We will contact when your orthotic or prosthetic device is complete. In some cases if no manufacturing is required you may leave with your device that day.
Initial fitting: Once your device is complete, and you are scheduled, you will return to our office on the scheduled date. At this time, the practitioner will see you to determine if the device constructed for you fits and functions properly. He or she will have you try on the orthotic or prosthetic device and will observe you while wearing it. If all has gone well you will be able to leave our office at this time with your orthotic or prosthetic device. However, some devices may require adjustments in order to fit and function to their fullest. Usually these adjustments can be made on the spot and a short wait is all that is required. Some devices are more complicated and require more in depth adjustment. If your orthotic or prosthetic device falls into this category you will probably have to return for an additional fitting. 

Final fitting: During this visit, the practitioner will make final adjustments. You will typically leave with your device after this visit. 

Depending on the nature of your orthotic or prosthetic device, all or part of the above steps may be required. Due to the nature of prosthetics, there may be more visits than listed above between your casting and final fitting. More visits may be necessary to ensure your safety and comfort, and enable us to provide you with the highest quality device.